Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple

When we are praying for our circumstances we can become consumed by what we think the prayer should be. We have a tendency to over complicate something that God made very simple. We do not need many words or to sound good when we talk to our Father. We simply need to go to Him. He already knows what we need and want before we even speak. Our speaking is for us. To hear out loud our own thoughts. To put order to the disorder that may be happening in our minds. Our mindset is ordered by what we speak out loud. Oftentimes, speaking out loud can help us release what we are holding onto and need to move on from. It is also an opportunity for us to exercise our humility, relinquish our pride and surrender before God.

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

‭‭Matthew 6:7-8 NIV

It is important for us to be reflective of our own lives. To take note of how we are operating in the world. When we are careful in our self reflection we can become clear on what God has placed in us to nurture. Knowing what God has placed in us to grow and focus on helps us to stay focused on that thing rather than comparing ourselves to others. We often compare ourselves when we are uncertain of what we should be doing. Not knowing the purpose of our lives can be frustrating and so we look to others' purpose to find our own. However, God is who we must look to. He will help us take responsibility in our lives for what we can do best. He will help us cultivate it more than we thought possible. We will live in peace because our minds are set on our own path and not distracted by those around us.

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.

Galatians 6:4-5 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Do you over complicate your prayers? Write a simple prayer out now.
  • How do you reflect on your life? Writing out past experiences is a great way to reflect. Take a moment to write down a passion God has placed in your life.

A Story of Simple:


I love learning new things. I have always enjoyed gaining new knowledge and sharing it with others. However, this love of mine has also been something that has alienated some relationships. I suppose my knowledge and speech could, at times, make others feel inferior.

When I learned this I was mortified. I started to hide parts of myself. Until I learned that I could gain knowledge and share it differently, so as not to alienate anyone. I had to learn to keep it simple. The complex could be for me to pontificate on, but the simple could be how I interact with the world.

It has been a long journey to figure out who I am and how I can be better with others, while at the same time not becoming consumed with what others think of me. With the help of God, I am conscious of my words and the things I share. I pray to Him simply, every time to be in my words as I share. I ask Him to speak through me rather than speak for myself. Learning to talk to Him with simple words has informed so much of how I interact now in my life.

- Anonymous

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