Our Dependence Helps Our Difficulty

Our Dependence Helps Our Difficulty

The world will continue to throw difficulties our way. It will pile it on, without room to breathe. We were never meant to bear the burden of difficulties we face alone.

We are called to be dependent on God. We can rest knowing that He is next to us in all things. He is where we should cast all our worries and concerns.

Just like a parent is there for their child, God is there for us. However, unlike earthly parents, He is the perfect parent. He wants us to lean on Him in good and bad, because of His care for us.

He loves us more than we could imagine. Although we may not have the best examples of how to be dependent, we can begin to practice our dependence today by casting our anxiety onto Him.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • What do you depend on yourself for? Have you considered placing that dependence on God? Write down all the expectations you place on yourself, then give it to God.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Heavenly Father, Please help us to feel Your presence. We are seeking You in all we do, so that our dependence is no longer on others or ourselves. We know that full dependence on You will guide us through everything we face. In Your name we pray. Amen.

- Anonymous

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