Our Mindset Gives Us Freedom

Our Mindset Gives Us Freedom

What does freedom mean? By definition it means, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.” What Christ did for us gives us the ability to be free. The only one who can enslave us now is ourselves. This enslavement happens in our minds. We must take our stand everyday to choose the freedom He has given to us. We find freedom in following His ways. When we choose grace, patience, and humility for ourselves and others freedom is always readily available. It is when we are consumed by greed, anger, guilt and pride that we can become enslaved in our minds and lose the freedom that has been given to us. We must be firm in the fruits of the spirit and never be harnessed by the entrapment of slavery. It is a burden we are not meant to carry. Living freely is how we continually walk forward in what we were uniquely designed to do.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

‭‭Galatians 5:1 NIV

Once we know what Christ has done for us it is hard to go back to living in the ways of the world. The ease of living as the world does creeps back in when we lose sight of what Christ has done for us. We must stay conscious of His sacrifice every day. This is how we get serious about our new life with Christ. We then desire to pursue the things that Christ presides over. We no longer want to move in this life unaware of our actions and dealings with others as inconsequential. We become consumed with God and all His wonders rather than what surrounds us or is right in front of us. He becomes the focus of our attention. Setting our minds on Him and keeping them on Him is how we maintain the mindset of freedom. It is how we are able to put plans into motion and see them continue to move.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Colossians 3:1-2 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • What thoughts trap you? Write them down and give them to God each time they arise.
  • Do you focus on God all the time? Write the other things that consume your thoughts.

A Story of Freedom:


The best representation I have ever heard of when it comes to living free is the example of a closed hand and an open hand. When we live with a closed hand, or fist, we live in a world of scarcity. Scarcity drives fear and worry. It is also a very lonely and isolating way to live. On the other hand, when we live with an open hand our world opens up and becomes one of abundance.

I experience this reality every day. I have gotten immensely better at living with an open hand, but I do still struggle with a closed fist mentality. This happens most often with money. I can become consumed with thinking that the money I make is mine. I will obsess over dollar amounts and haggle in my mind about what the value of things are or should be. Then I remember that none of it is mine in the first place.

Freedom from my obsessive nature comes when I realize my money is not mine. It has been given to me to steward, yes, but it is not something I need to obsess about and devote hours of time thinking about. The time I obsess is time taken away from thinking about God and being grateful. Moving from obsession on money to thinking about God always gives me my freedom back. I no longer feel trapped by my thoughts, and can breathe freely. He is the key to living free. I always remember this when my mind attempts to imprison me with cyclical, difficult thoughts.

- Anonymous

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