When Trust is a Habit

When Trust is a Habit

Isn’t this just like us? Our human condition has us consumed with the way the world does things. Making plans without consulting God is customary. Of course we don’t necessarily see this as bad or ill advised, because it seems responsible. Making plans feels right, because it is productive and productivity means we are not lazy. However, when we stop to consider God and ask what He would have for us; oftentimes, the answer is to wait. This isn’t laziness, it is obedience. When we begin to turn to God to direct our path His answer is probably wait, because we all need to learn a measure of patience. This is not something that is taught in the world. Instead we are taught that if we plan we can have control over our paths and there is no need to wait. However, waiting is what cultivates trust. Trust not in ourselves, but in God. As we learn to wait we can give thanks to Him for being alive. Our trust will grow and His plans will come to fruition. This process softens and strengthens us.

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

James 4:13-15 NIV

As we dream and imagine for big things in our lives we are told to write these things down. When we write down what we desire for our lives we give God permission to work in us. Writing things down does not mean we have to have a plan. It does not mean we are now responsible for making it happen. It simply means that we are making it plain to ourselves and God what our intentions are. When we write down the desires of our heart we fortify our trust in God’s timing. We give ourselves permission to let go of the direction the world has for us. We welcome the discomfort of waiting, because we know that, “it will certainly come and will not delay.” This practice helps us to make trust a habit. Allowing trust to be our daily habit brings ease to our lives. We no longer have this feeling that we need to force our way in anything.

Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Habakkuk 2:2-3 NIV

A Story of Trust as a Habit:

I remember when God told me I was to have 4 kids. It was right before I had my second child. I remember thinking how impossible it felt to have 2. I was mostly consumed and overwhelmed with the cost of child care. I wanted to be more a part of my kids' lives already, but I could not imagine not working. Thus, having 4 kids seemed completely out of the question.

After I had my second child, it became more clear to me that God wanted us to have more kids. I could hear His voice clearly. When I brought this to my husband, he was unsure. He asked to have some time to think about it. He came back to me a day later and said, “well how can I argue with God.” He was so right. How could I argue with God?

That was 5 years ago. I am 33 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. His timing surely comes and did not delay. Every moment of the last 5 years He has been preparing me. I have grown in patience and acceptance. I have learned to let go of control and trust that all will be well. It has all been well each step of the way. He has provided every time I thought it was not possible. Making trust in Him my daily habit has brought me an ease to life I never thought possible. With almost 4 kids now, but with trust in God more than ever in my life, I have never been so at ease and at peace with the direction of my life.

- Anonymous

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Considerations for your planner:

  • Have you consulted God about your plans? Take a moment to write down the things you have not talked to God about today.
  • Have you written down the desires of your heart? Make it plain, in the written word, what your biggest dream is.

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