Devotional Takeover by Gelsie Borja - Called to Love

Devotional Takeover by Gelsie Borja - Called to Love

God is the One and only true definition of love and what it means to love. He first loved us. He loves us so much that He created us in His image. He loves us so much that He sent His Son into the world to save us. He loves us despite ourselves, our sins, and our shortcomings. With His love, He calls us to Himself. He wants a relationship with us, and He forgives us. How can we not show love to others when we are given the most beautiful and powerful example of the true definition of love? How can we deny, to others, what God has so freely given and shown to us?

We love, because He first loved us.

1 John 4:19 NASB

When we love others, despite who they are, we live in God and God lives in us. We know and we rely on the love of God because only He is the true definition of love and the perfect example of love. When we rely on and know the love of God, we are capable of loving and seeing others through the eyes of God, as His perfect creation.

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

1 John 4:16 NASB

Considerations for your planner:

  • Is there someone you are struggling to love? Write down your prayer, asking the Lord to help you to love.
  • What motivates you to love and why do you love the people you choose to love? Write down your motivations and ask God to help you see past what is right in front of you and allow His love to help you love.

A Story of Love:


Loving people is hard and loving people who are hard is even harder. I have found myself in the situation of struggling to love someone, but I know God has called me to love, despite who that person is.

Loving someone who is hard doesn’t mean that I am neglecting my own feelings. It means that I am choosing to reflect Christ despite my feelings. It is choosing to be like Jesus to others and to love them with the same love as He has shown me.

I want to be a reflection of the love of Christ in this lost and dying world. I want people to see the love of Christ's reflection in my words, action, and reactions. I want to glorify God and Worship Him through my genuine love towards others. I want people to see Christ through me.

- Gelsie Borja

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