Devotional Take Over By Gelsie Borja - True Worship

Devotional Take Over By Gelsie Borja - True Worship

True worship is not found in the songs we sing, though it most certainly can be found during those moments. True worship is found in the way we live our lives every day. The things we say, our thoughts, how we act and react, the way we love, forgive, and serve. All these things represent our true and heartfelt worship. It is the physical way we are presenting our entire being to God and through true living we make worldly sacrifices for what is holy and pleasing in His sight. More than the physical actions, it is the heart behind all that we do, and all that we do should be done in love.

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship”

Romans 12:1 CSB

Christ gave Himself for us! If Christ, the Son of God, gave Himself for us as a sacrifice to God, how can we not also give ourselves to God as living sacrifices? We are called to imitate Christ because we are His dearly loved children. We are called to walk in love because Christ loved us. As imitators of Christ and as children loved by Christ, we are also called to present ourselves as living sacrifices and fragrant offerings to God. The sacrifice we make each day is our pride, greed, guilt and anger. We show our sacrifice by choosing love in all things. This is worship and showing the glory of God.

Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.

Ephesian 5:1-2 CSB

Considerations for your planner:

  • How do you picture worship? Write it down and challenge yourself to worship more frequently.
  • Do you consider the emotions you feel something that you could sacrifice to choose to glorify God? Write down an emotion that you could choose love over that emotion.

A Story of Worship:


I have often thought that worship was only when I was singing in church. That my hands needed to be lifted and I needed to be singing. I never considered other forms of worship. Worship was synonymous with closing my eyes and praying in public.

I have come to learn that that might be the most contrived way I have ever worshiped. I would raise my hands and close my eyes out of the pressure to assimilate with those around me. When I learned to worship in private is when this action stopped being contrived.

Worship in my life looks very different from this picture now. It also happens far more often than one time a week at church. Worship looks like thanking God out loud in my car for the wonderful things He is doing in my life. It looks like seeing my children as they sleep and whispering, “Thank you Jesus for these sweet lives.” Worship takes place all the time for me now. I am grateful for it as it brings me closer to Him every time.

- Anonymous

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