Devotional Takeover - Where Are Our Minds Focused?

Devotional Takeover - Where Are Our Minds Focused?

Let me be completely real and transparent, there are days that I just cannot find the words to pray! I always start my days in the same routine, but there are days where I sit to have my prayer and quiet time and I am at a complete loss for words. Literally nothing at all comes out. It’s not like there aren’t people and situations to pray for, so it is not because of a lack of need. Anyone else have the same struggle?

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things.

Philippians 4:8 NIV

Our pastor’s wife said something one day that I will never forget, and I want to share it with you, “pray until you pray!” Really, this simple? Yes, that simple. It may mean that we must write down our thoughts to empty our minds from what it is being consumed by. More than likely it is being consumed by things of this world.

When our minds are occupied by worldly things, we don’t leave room for heavenly things.

Friends let us keep our thoughts on the things that point to Jesus. Let us keep our thoughts on who He is. Let us get rid of the hindrances that are keeping us from approaching the throne of grace and impeding us from talking to our Father in Heaven.

Considerations for your planner:

  • Write down the occurring thoughts you have today. Ask God to help you replace whatever is not of or from Him.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Father, we pray that our thoughts would be consumed by You, Your words, and Your truth. We pray that we may test what is consuming our thoughts against what Your word has to say and Lord if it is not from You, we pray for strength to surrender. Thank you Father. In Jesus' mighty name we pray, amen.

- Gelsie Borja

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