God’s Love Brings Joy

God’s Love Brings Joy

Loving each other the way God loves us is how we are able to find our home in Him. Through finding our home in Him we receive joy like never before. It is when we are joined to Him in all we do that joy easily comes to us. We cannot do anything worth going after apart from Him. Everything that we will try to do without Him will not bear fruit the way it can when we are with Him. God wants us to live joyfully in all we do. It is not His desire for us to struggle. This is why He encourages us to come to Him and allow Him to be a part of all we endeavour to do. Doing this will give us access to His joy. Which is beyond anything we could fathom. His joy is complete and not lacking in any way. This is the joy He wants for us.

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

John 15:11 NIV

Believing in God and the salvation He has provided us, “fills us with inexpressible and glorious joy.” How could it not? We do not have to see Him to feel love. Just as we do not have to see those that we know from on this earth to know they love us. However, His love is greater than any love we could receive from another human. His love is complete sacrifice for the sake of our souls. Through our faith and belief in Him and what He has done for us our joy will brim over. Our cups will always be filled. The very lives we live are an expression of His love and we should shout praises of joy for each day we are given. This will fortify our faith and through faith joy is found.

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.

1 Peter 1:8-9 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Are you joined to God in all you do? Write down the things you have invited Him into and the things you have not invited Him into.
  • Do you feel “inexpressible and glorious joy” each day of your life? Write down what this kind of joy looks like to you.

A Story of Joy for God:

I became a Christian in November of 2000. My daily walk with God stayed strong until November of 2012 when I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. Initially after the diagnosis, my relationship with God was fractured. I was scared, confused, embarrassed, and wondering why God would allow me to go through such a trial. I felt like He abandoned me. Growing up in a non-Christian home, coming to Christ 34 years later, and committing my life to Him each day seemed to be enough that He would protect me. But, at this time He seemed so far away.

For years, I worked on reestablishing my relationship with God. During my darkest time, I cried out to Him to make the voices and demons stop. During the stable times, I slowly regained the strength to thank Him for protecting me through the depressive cycles. In 2019, I felt a calling from Him to chronicle my journey of living with Bipolar Disorder and my daily walk with Him. The journal eventually turned into a book which is scheduled to be released in April of 2022.

I truly feel that God allowed me to go through those vicious cycles so that I could become His voice when speaking to Christians about breaking the stigma of mental health in the Christian community. To be that person to shine the Light on those who have suffered in the shadows for a long time. I'm not a professor of theology nor a trained mental health professional. I am a living example of how God can work in a layperson's life so that His glory will be revealed in ways that have previously been taboo to discuss. I am humbled and blessed that He chose me to tell my story.

- Paul Gaumer

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