Seek to Obey, Not the Outcome

Seek to Obey, Not the Outcome

Obedience is our job. Outcome is God’s job. This is why we must commit to the Lord in whatever we do. It is only through Him that the outcome of whatever our circumstance is can be understood. This is why our prayers are, not for our will but for His will to be done. Prayer changes, shapes and renews our mind so that we can accept what He establishes as our plans. How many times have we heard or said, “well that did not go as planned”? Probably more times than any of us could count. This is exactly the point. These life plans were never ours to establish. The order of God is to commit to Him in all things and in our surrender to Him, He will establish our plans. We are doing all we need to do by committing to Him, being obedient to Him, and trusting in Him. The rest will fall into place and we will be grateful and rejoice in the process and the outcome, because we have learned to trust Him and seek Him rather than the outcome.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:3 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Are you seeking obedience or the outcome? Write down your plans and invite God into every detail.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Heavenly Father, We want to seek You and not our outcomes. We want to be obedient. Help us to see and know the ease of this life You call us to. We want Your will. Please establish our plans. Help us to get out of our own way. We want to trust You better than ever before. We know this is possible through our surrender of our creation of our plans. Use us. We commit to You in all things. In Your name we pray. Amen.

- Anonymous

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