6 Tips To Choose JOY In Uncertainty

6 Tips To Choose JOY In Uncertainty

Acknowledge The Emotions.

When you feel overwhelmed by information, step away from the news & social media. Limit the amount of “new” info you take in daily. When you do step away from the news or your phone, turn to activities that help you feel like you've accomplished something. Journal about how you feel each day. Putting the emotions on paper will help to process them.

Washing the dishes, folding laundry, and re-reading that hard chapter in your faith study to better understand it, are great examples of tasks you can check off a to-do list to make you feel like you've accomplished something. 

Stay Connected.

Stay in contact. Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t keep in touch with your family and friends. When you're speaking with them, over the phone or via video call, try to discuss upbeat things, a book you’re reading, crafts, or other projects you’re doing to stay busy. 

The Christian Planner Family facebook group with 40,000+ active fans is a great place for positive support. With free resources like coloring pages and giveaways, there is always fun happening!

Get Your Blood Pumping.

Your desire may be to binge-watch your favorite show, but keeping your body moving and daily cardiovascular exercise is a great natural way to help with anxiety and depression. If you’re not anxious or depressed, exercise is also a great preventative measure to promote wellbeing. Go out for walks if you’re able, or check out workout videos online. Get creative, so you don't get bored, for example, a few members of our team, enjoy dance breaks with their kids throughout the day. 


Many scientific studies have shown prayer keeps you grounded and helps you maintain a positive outlook. This isn’t news to us, continue to set apart time each day to pray. Meditating on these reassuring words offers us comfort when we are doubting and fearful of what lays ahead. Here are two verses:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV) 

The Bible is full of promises from God. Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." (Matthew 11:28-30, NLT) 

Practice Gratitude.

Focus on the positive and the blessings you do have. This could be as simple as savoring a warm cup of coffee on your deck while enjoying the sound of birdsong in the middle of the week when normally you’d be stuck in rush hour. When you’re feeling stressed, it can feel like a real challenge to praise God. There is never a better time to offer up thanksgiving.

Praise and worship will help take your mind off of yourself and focus on God. We are human and vulnerable to these challenges we’re facing, give yourself the gift of turning to God for strength. Put things into perspective. The world is going through a trial right now, think about times when other people have faced challenges and got through them.

Choose Joy.

Take some time to relax and do things that YOU enjoy. Try a new recipe, paint a room a bright new color, or make plans for things you’d like to do after this period of self-quarantine is through.

Do more of the activities your family enjoys. Does your family have a “Family Game Night”? Why not have it every other night or mix in a “Family Movie Night”? Our daily routines have been thrown to the wind, so let your kids (and yourself) enjoy this unexpected time together.