His Word Gives Us Strength

His Word Gives Us Strength

Scripture always has such great words for us to meditate on. How often do we have an opportunity to be patient? How often do we accept the challenge to have patience?

These are questions we can answer with the scripture above. When we are able to support our actions with the words of God we are filled with His strength and are able to succeed in our endeavor to live as He calls us to.

The world will try to distract us from what His word can strengthen in us. Often we can be validated in the world to lose our patience. The most common response is, “I am only human.”

Is this the response we want to nurture? Or do we want to nurture a response that is the strength of God. “One who is quick-tempered displays folly.” Let us cultivate great understanding in one another by meditating on the strength of patience through the Lord who can bolster it from within.

Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly.

Proverbs 14:29 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • When frustration strikes, where do you turn? Write down the scripture you meditate on most often and see if this can become another one.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Father God, Help us to grow to know You more and more through Your word. We always want to channel Your strength. We know that to do that we must know and meditate on the words You have given us to bolster us in this world filled with excuses. Thank You for supporting us and guiding us to be Your light in this world. Amen.

- Anonymous

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