Our Father in heaven knows us better than we know ourselves. All the more reason to look to Him for guidance in our lives. Yet we turn to the world time and time again for direction. We seek human mentors before we seek Him. All the while He waits patiently for us. He does not need fancy words or grand gestures. He simply wants us to seek Him out with our hearts. This is not done when on display for the world to see. This is done in the quiet, stillness of the parts of our lives others cannot see. This is where our intentions are made clear to Him. He already knows what we need before we ask, which is why prayer is not for Him, but for us. It is not to change the outcome of our circumstances, but rather to change our perspective and outlook. Learning to seek Him first and above all else will allow us to know how important we are to Him and to see how He is working all things for our good.
And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Matthew 6:7-8 NIV
Considerations for your planner:
- Write out a prayer of your own making. Make this a daily endeavor as you search to know your own heart while seeking Him.
A Prayer for Our Community:
Dear God, Please help us to seek You first. The world is strong and everything around us tells us to do and seek our desires and the outcome. Instead, help us to shift our perspective to You. Fortify within us that when we seek You first that all will come to fruition as it is supposed to. We trust You with our whole lives. Not just bits and pieces of it. We need Your counsel, because we know You know what we need. In Your name we pray, Amen.
- Anonymous
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