Welcoming Change

Welcoming Change

Welcoming change informs our path. Change ushers in new and lets the old go. What an incredible way to draw closer to God. Going through change can be scary and unsettling, but it can also push us to seek Him. By seeking Him we stay open to change, and thus open to the new possibilities God has for us. We allow the Spirit to move freely. When we are averse to change we tend to cling to earthly things, rather than trusting in God. If we cling to earthly things it becomes difficult to have the fruits of the Spirit move through and around us. We must be reminded each day that because of what Christ has done we are a new creation and there is nothing we should fear. Change is simply an opportunity to welcome the new lessons He has for us and lean on Him when we don’t know what to do.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • Do you welcome change? Write down why you do or why you do not.

A Prayer for Our Community:

God, Help us to welcome change. We know it is inevitable and we want to harness the opportunities to draw closer to You. Make us hunger for our dependence on You. In this way we will be fortified by Your Spirit rather than by the ways of the world. We thank You for all that You do for us and we count it as a blessing to have change move through our lives. Amen.

- Anonymous

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