Generosity Begets Generosity

Generosity Begets Generosity

It is so nice when God says things to us so plainly. “A generous person will prosper.” It really is that simple. When we are generous we will prosper. There is no misconstruing this reality. Then why is it so hard to maintain a heart of generosity? It can be hard because we are surrounded and consumed by the way the world does things. The world tells us that to prosper and get ahead we have to push, shove, and cut others out. This can be true for a time, but it does not last. The ways of the world never last. Doing things God's way is what lasts. When we follow His instructions we become refined in the long game. The other great part about doing things His way is that we will always get immediate satisfaction. “Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” However, the satisfaction does not come until we do the hard work of doing as He asks.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25 NIV

Considerations for your planner:

  • How do you get ahead? Write out how generosity could inform your way forward.

A Prayer for Our Community:

Lord, Thank You for being generous with us. You give and provide for us before we even ask. Please help us to do the same for others. Helps us to lead with generosity so that we can be refreshed as we refresh others. Change our hearts from an overly abundant concern for ourselves to an overly abundant concern for others. In this way our hearts will always act in generosity. Amen.

- Anonymous

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